Psalms 69:2


I sink in deep mire;

there is no standing place;

I have come into the watery depths,

and a stream overflows me.

Strongly Negative(0.133784757)

MEV - Modern English Version

I sink in deep mire;

MEV - Modern English Version

there is no standing place;

MEV - Modern English Version

I have come into the watery depths,

MEV - Modern English Version

and a stream overflows me.

Strongly Negative(0.133784757)

Others Bible versions

Context - MEV

Psalms 69:2

I sink in deep mire;

Sentiment: Strongly Negative(0.133784757) Psalms 69:2

there is no standing place;

Sentiment: Strongly Negative(0.133784757) Psalms 69:2

I have come into the watery depths,

Sentiment: Strongly Negative(0.133784757) Psalms 69:2

and a stream overflows me.

Sentiment: Strongly Negative(0.133784757)

Cross Reference - MEV