Isaiah 1:5


Why do you insist on being battered?

Why do you continue to rebel?

Your head has a massive wound,

your whole body is weak.

Strongly Negative(0.052698437)

NET - New English Translation

Why do you insist on being battered?

NET - New English Translation

Why do you continue to rebel?

NET - New English Translation

Your head has a massive wound,

NET - New English Translation

your whole body is weak.

Strongly Negative(0.052698437)

Others Bible versions

Context - NET

Isaiah 1:5

Why do you insist on being battered?

Sentiment: Strongly Negative(0.052698437) Isaiah 1:5

Why do you continue to rebel?

Sentiment: Strongly Negative(0.052698437) Isaiah 1:5

Your head has a massive wound,

Sentiment: Strongly Negative(0.052698437) Isaiah 1:5

your whole body is weak.

Sentiment: Strongly Negative(0.052698437)

Cross Reference - NET