2Kings 6:2


Let us go to the Jordan, where each of us can get a pole; and let us build a place there for us to meet.”

And he said, “Go.”

Weakly Positive(0.637206693)

NIV - New International Version

Let us go to the Jordan, where each of us can get a pole; and let us build a place there for us to meet.”

NIV - New International Version

And he said, “Go.”

Weakly Positive(0.637206693)

Others Bible versions

Context - NIV

2Kings 6:2

Let us go to the Jordan, where each of us can get a pole; and let us build a place there for us to meet.”

Sentiment: Weakly Positive(0.637206693) 2Kings 6:2

And he said, “Go.”

Sentiment: Weakly Positive(0.637206693)

Cross Reference - NIV