Psalms 94 - LEB

1. O Yahweh, God of vengeance,

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

1. God of vengeance, shine forth.

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

2. Rise up, O Judge of the earth.

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

3. How long will the wicked, O Yahweh,

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

3. how long will the wicked exult?

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

4. They gush words unrestrained.

 Sentiment: Weakly Positive

4. All the evildoers boast.

 Sentiment: Weakly Positive

5. They crush your people, O Yahweh;

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

5. they oppress your inheritance.

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

6. and they murder orphans,

 Sentiment: Neutral

7. while they say, “Yah does not see,”

 Sentiment: Weakly Positive

8. And you fools, when you will show insight?

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

9. Will the one who formed the eye not see?

 Sentiment: Weakly Negative

10. the one who teaches humankind knowledge?

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

11. Yahweh knows the thoughts of humankind,

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

11. that they are to no purpose.

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

12. and teach from your law,

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

13. to give him rest from days of trouble,

 Sentiment: Weakly Negative

13. until a pit is dug for the wicked.

 Sentiment: Weakly Negative

16. Who rose up for me against the wicked?

 Sentiment: Weakly Negative

17. If Yahweh had not been my help,

 Sentiment: Weakly Negative

19. your consolations cheered my soul.

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

21. and declare the blameless guilty of blood.

 Sentiment: Strongly Negative

22. But Yahweh has become my high stronghold,

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

22. and my God has become my rock of refuge.

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive