Psalms 69:20


Their insults are painful and make me lose heart;

I look for sympathy, but receive none,

for comforters, but find none.

Strongly Negative(0.000435233)

NET - New English Translation

Their insults are painful and make me lose heart;

NET - New English Translation

I look for sympathy, but receive none,

NET - New English Translation

for comforters, but find none.

Strongly Negative(0.000435233)

Others Bible versions

Context - NET

Psalms 69:20

Their insults are painful and make me lose heart;

Sentiment: Strongly Negative(0.000435233) Psalms 69:20

I look for sympathy, but receive none,

Sentiment: Strongly Negative(0.000435233) Psalms 69:20

for comforters, but find none.

Sentiment: Strongly Negative(0.000435233)

Cross Reference - NET